Many of the borrowers are to pass through embarrassing experiences when loan application submitted by them are straightway refused by the finance providers on the ground that their credit score has become less than 600 marks as per FICO. True it is also that borrowers of this kind are to meet unavoidable demands when they find the purse empty. There is no reason at present for them to be disappointed, because bad credit loans are available in secured and unsecured variants to benefit them.
In secured form, bad credit loans are advanced within the range from £5000 to £75000. On the other hand, people who will go for bad credit loans in unsecured form can avail an amount within £1000 and £25000. In the former case, the loan amount is to be repaid within 5 and 25 years. The repayment duration is allowed within 1 and 10 years in the latter case. Moreover, bad credit loans in unsecured form are known for higher rates of interest. Terms and condition for bad credit loans in secured and unsecured forms are, however, reasonable.
Collateral is necessary in secured form of bad credit loans. A home, a piece of land, a vehicle of the latest design and assets of tangible worth are accepted by the finance providers to use as a guarantee. If their investment is not returned by the borrowers, the property offered by them as collateral can be grabbed. The lenders, usually, remind and warn the borrowers about repayment. If this does not work, they take hold of the said property to realize their investment. People who apply for bad credit loans in unsecured form are not directed to provide collateral.
Bad credit loans are only for the British citizens. A British citizen, who is already 18 and who holds a valid plus active bank account, can submit the loan application for this purpose. The lending agencies have made provisions to dispatch the payable amount to the bank account of the applicants generally within one day. The loan seekers are to produce documents to certify that they have been engaged in an office or in a factory and that their monthly income is not less than £1000. The borrowers are requested to submit the application online, but offline application is also entertained.